Light Therapy Treatment

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy works by penetrating the skin at a shallow depth and stimulating cellular activity. Red light promotes various benefits for the skin including reduced wrinkles and fine lines, improved tone and texture, reduced inflammation, anti-aging, and boosts collagen and elastin production

Blue Light Therapy

Blue light therapy is primarily used to treat certain skin conditions, such as acne. The blue light targets and kills the bacteria responsible for acne breakouts, helping to reduce inflammation and promote clearer skin. It may also be used to treat other skin conditions like psoriasis, rosacea, and sun damage.

Yellow Light Therapy

Yellow light therapy can be effective in reducing facial redness and inflammation, particularly in individuals with rosacea or sensitive skin. The light helps calm the skin, soothe irritation, and minimize redness associated with these conditions.

Request an Appointment.

Request an Appointment.

Call: 701-478-7700 | Text: 701-866-2666

Tuesday: 10AM - 7PM, Wednesday-Friday: 8AM - 5PM